Those nice people at liGo Electronics have sent me an e-mail about a piece of kit I purchased from them via Amazon.
It says: "Thank you for placing your recent order with liGo on Amazon, we certainly appreciate your custom. We are newly trading on Amazon and would welcome any feedback that you may have. We hope that you’ve been satisfied with the level of service you have received from liGo and would consider using us again."
Good so far.
It continues: "We would very much appreciate it if you would be kind enough to place a positive review for liGo on Amazon. These have a great bearing on our business and as such mean a lot to us.
"By way of a thank you, we would like to provide you with a £5 voucher to use on our web site."
Sorry liGo. I'm happy to write honest comments about purchases without being paid. It's polite e-mail, but this offer makes me feel a bit less positive about things.
Have you received this type of communication?