One of the great things about all the change that's going on in journalism at the moment is that there are plenty of people getting together at conferences, seminars and informal gatherings to share thoughts and ideas on a variety of subjects.
I didn't manage to get to the latest news:rewired event 'Connected Journalism', which is a pity because it sounds like there was plenty of thought-provoking stuff. Here's where to find some interesting thoughts from the day, followed by some links to journalism talks and meetings taking place in the near future.
There's plenty of info at the news: rewired site, including 10 lessons from the day.
Storify is a popular tool at the moment and inevitably got some mentions on the day, so here's a couple of versions:
- news: rewired's own Storify round-up of the event featuring some of the advice, slides, discussion and tweets from around the conference
There's also a copy of the Storify presentation on Slideshare
John Thompson has posted some videos of speakers talking about online communities including Guardian community editor Laura Oliver and Citizenside's Philip Trippenbach
There's also some Coveritlive material from the event including this one from the final session: The future of collaboration in digital journalism
Forthcoming events
For anyone in and around London over the next few days, a few journalism-related events might be worth a look:
On Monday 10th October there's a discussion on libel reform hosted by the NUJ freelance branch. Speakers will include libel lawyer Robert Dougans,who took part in the Simon Singh case and Index on Censorship news editor Padraig Reidy.
Meanwhile, City University have two interesting lectures on consecutive evenings - and they're free to attend:
- On Tuesday 11th October Heather Brooke will speak on Civic journalism: What it is and why it matters
- The following night, Wednesday 12th October, will see former PCC chair Baroness Buscombe talking about Changing times and changing media regulation.
And data journalists should have a bit of fun at the AOP and Mozilla Hack Day on Thursday 13th October.
Some other major conferences and events are listed in journalism.co.uk's journalism events diary, while the Frontline Club stages talks and other events club that might also be worth a look.
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